U-First! Workshop – Bartimaeus Senior Services, Toronto
Friday, 21 August 2015 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Bartimaeus Senior Services
290 North Queen Street Etobicoke, ON M9C 5L2
Register by August 17
Fee: $60
Click here to register
This 6-hour workshop will train care providers in U-First!, a proven and effective approach to working with clients with dementia.
Through dialogue and a case based approach, learners will have more confidence in working with people with responsive behaviours.If you are caring for someone with dementia, the U-First! Program will help you to:
• Understand the behaviour changes in a person with dementia
• Flag possible changes seen in the person
• Interact with skill and understanding
• Reflect and report the behaviour
• Support the person with dementia and their family caregiver
You will also learn how to involve the team in caring for the person with dementia.
BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH enjoy the day!