For teachers, staff and parents
Staff development and training workshops are available to address behavioural issues and develop social and life skills.

  • Behaviour management
  • Bullying/safe school programs
  • Mental health
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Social skills
  • Crisis intervention
  • Understanding ABA programming for children with autism and other related developmental disorders
  • Practices and procedures to enhance safe learning environments

Effective Behavioural Interventions for the Classroom
This three-level workshop series demonstrates how strategies can be developed and implemented to meet the individual and unique needs of all students in managing and promoting positive behaviour in the classroom.

The strategies and interventions include meeting the needs of the students with challenging behaviour, mental health problems, and those with developmental difficulties.

Classroom management, the importance of routines, and the predictability of the responses used in the learning environment, and balancing the individual needs to the group needs are all areas described.

The series of workshops includes positive behavioural strategies, problem-solving techniques, case discussions, and question and answer periods. Each workshop is (typically) delivered in a three-hour session.

Bartimaeus workshop leaders have extensive experience working with and developing programs for children and adolescents who have extreme behavioural, emotional, psychological and developmental challenges.

Level I: Moving from Reacting to Planned Response Intervention
This workshop will demonstrate how we recognize strategies that can be developed and implemented to meet the individual and unique needs of all students in managing and promoting positive behaviour in the classroom.

Level I will focus on recognizing common behavioural concerns of students and on how our actions influence those behaviours. In this workshop we will explore how modeling of behaviour directly influences our students.

Topics to be explored:

  • Common Behavioural Concerns
  • Desirable/Positive Behaviour
  • Positive Behaviours of Adults
  • What Influences Our Approach
  • Creating Supportive Environments
  • How What We Do Affects Our Students
  • Behavioural Management — What Does It Mean?

Level II: Preparing For Student Success
The focus of this workshop is on the importance of classroom routines, and the predictability of the response used in the learning environment.

The workshop will introduce biology, physiology, and psychology issues that affect the student and their behaviours. Brain development will also be presented.

Topics to be explored:

  •  What Influences Our Approach
  • Continuum of Intervention
  • The Child in Context
  • Understanding the Child in Context of Their Family
  • Discouraging Negative Behaviour
  • The Brain Model — Development Over the Years
  • When Do Children Learn Best

Level III: Helping Students to Help Themselves
The focus of this workshop is on the importance of teaching social skills. This workshop will discuss providing youth with strategies to think through their actions.

In order to facilitate practical approaches to the theory learned in Level I and II workshops this session will focus on approaches needed to successfully motivate students to change behaviour.

Topics to be explored:

  • Teaching Social/Emotional Skills
  • Modeling/Teaching Skills
  • Positive Reinforcements
  • Finding Teachable Moments
  • Encouraging Pro-Social Behaviours
  • Behavioural Modification Programs
  • Promoting Social and Academic Success
  • Intensive Individualized Interventions

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